Driveway Gallery
Here are some examples of driveway installations we have completed for customers in Fairfield County, along with bordering styles that Connecticut Driveways LLC can install at your home, from asphalt, overlays and blacktop driveways to laying concrete paving and interlock pavers. If you want to know more, you can view our asphalt paving services for Fairfield County or our concrete paving in Fairfield County. Alternatively, call (203) 275-7220 to speak directly with one of our team members.

Ray JRepave asphalt driveway18 April 2024
Connecticut Driveways removed my old asphalt , repaved and did a great job. They were prompt, courteous, and friendly and I recommend Connecticut Driveways.

Paula SteinfieldAsphalt Driveway3 April 2024
Just had my driveway done in Bridgeport by Connecticut and I am delighted with both the service and the quality of their work. I had a few quotes and Connecticut...

Nicole PDoorsteps and Masonry Wall24 March 2024
The masonry work was performed in a rapid time frame and the quality of the workmanship was stupendous. All my queries were responded with quickly and overall great service.
Would you like a free estimate in Fairfield County? Simply enter your contact details in our contact form and we'll contact you back or call (203) 275-7220